As an editor of a journal, it is incumbent upon one to uphold the guidelines for the selection and acceptance of papers submitted to said journal. While we acknowledge that experienced researchers and academics are likely to be familiar with and adhere to these guidelines, we believe that they may prove to be of significant assistance to those who are new to editorial responsibilities.
Manuscript Evaluation Checklist
(during evaluation please check for these qualifications for maintaining the quality of the manuscript)
Should be readily understood, clear and concise, informative and related to the content.
- It should be checked for the hypothesis to be clear and concise along with stating the problem(The hypothesis, or purpose, should be included in the first paragraph, usually in the last sentence. Word limit can be negotiable if really necessary in abstracts)
- Methodology is to be clearly identified and described briefly.
- Results must be summarized; also data and statistics should be included where necessary.
- Conclusions and findings should be stated.
Introduction is to be checked for the following:
- Early introduction of the general problem
- Precisely stated questions that are to be answered
- Clear and concise hypothesis
- Reachability of the problem
- Preciseness of the hypothesis
- Identification of the assumption of the study
- Operational identification of pertinent terms
- Significance of the problem discussed
- Justification of the research
- Brief summary of relevant literature and its implications for the research problem under study
- Relevance of the citation and its pertinence to the research problem including the time factor.
- Citations must provide rationale for research and should also be a primary source.
- Relationship of the problem to previous research should also be made clear.
Methods and Materials
- The subject population should be described.
- If the subjects are humans or the sample was drawn from humans it is mandatory to obtain an informed consent or institutional review board approval. Please check for the necessary.
- If the subjects were animals, were appropriate standards of human care followed, with animal care review committee approval?
- The following statement must be contained if animals were utilized:
- All animals received care in compliance with the “Guide for the Care and
- Use of Laboratory Animals” published by the National Institutes of Health
- (NIH Publication 85-23, revised 1985.)
- Justification of the sampling method.
- Method of data collection must permit sufficiently for the judgment of their appropriateness for the study presented.
- Appropriate design to study the hypothesis or questions.
- Inclusion of proper controls where appropriate.
- Variables should be mentioned unambiguously and identified.
- Replication of the design should be explicit enough to be replicated.
- Appropriateness of the statistical tests used. Appropriateness of the tests to the design.
- (If you are unsure of the adequacy of statistical test selection please make note of it on the ‘Comments by Editor’ form and a statistical consult will be made.)
Results must contain:
- Clear and precise and logically organized output.
- Sufficient information to answer the research question.
- Statistics reports with values. (where applicable)
- Statistics relevant to the research hypothesis.
- Complete, easily understandable tables and figures.
Data reported either in table format or in a figure. (If data is listed in the table, then a figure with the same data should not be included and vice versa. if there is significant data consider asking the authors to include the descriptive data in table format in an addendum to the paper.)
Discussion must contain:
- Clearly stated conclusions.
- Substantial evidence for the conclusion presented.
- Revisited hypothesis.
- Discussion of the implicated findings.
- Proper generalization of the research with respect to the population studied. (ex: results from laboratory study cannot be used for clinical practice)
- Description of possible sources of sampling bias or errors.
- Relevance and reliability of the previous research data presented.
- Valid data and its report of pertinence to the present study.
- Identification of problems and limitations of the study and their discussion.
- Suggestion of future research recommendation.
Conclusion: An end paragraph of the discussion section. A summary paragraph can also be added before the conclusion paragraph if necessary.
References: They must be organized and in the required style of the journal. Primary sources (journals) are more preferable than the secondary sources (text books) for the citations.
As a general rule, manuscripts should contain significant reference to previously published work to support the discussion.
Although no standard is set, it is generally accepted that the reference numbers meet the style of the paper. Please refer to the chart below for reference number. These are ‘general’ guidelines.
Tables and figures:
Tables and Figures should represent the results in a clear and concise format. Good pictographically representation is expected. Use of the advanced technology and the available 2D and 3D formats can enhance the readability of the figures. But in no way the pictures should be manipulated just to match the results without relevance. Histograms and bar diagrams are also to be presented in an interesting manner. Even a video clip of limited size can also be included if it provides a stronger base.
Form and Style:
- Report must be clear.
- Report must be logically organized.
- Tone should be impartial, unbiased and scientific.
- Follow instructions for author format (else can be sent for revision unto the required format)
- Must contain key words.
Few important guidelines:
The above are the necessary steps that are to be taken care of and are to be strictly considered while evaluating a manuscript. Note down the errors or comments with respect to the line numbers in the page and present both the error and the correction; subheading in case of comments.
Please do not hesitate to give an impartial review. Number of revisions can be addressed until the desired quality is achieved.
Please reject the manuscripts which do not fall under the scope of the journal without a review.
In case of rejection please state the reason clearly and guide them for further action if required. (Ex: if the rejection is due to the improper language and good subject you can suggest them for language editing. If the rejection is due to the subject which is out of scope state it. Etc..,)
Adhere to the quality of language. It must be understandable by the readers all over the world.
Ethical Obligations:
An editor should give unbiased consideration to all manuscripts offered for publication, judging each on its merits without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the author(s).
An editor should consider manuscripts submitted for publication with all reasonable speed and attention. The sole responsibility for acceptance or rejection of a manuscript rests with the editor. Manuscripts may be rejected without review if considered inappropriate for the journal.
The editor and members of the editorial team should not disclose information about a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than those from whom professional advice is sought. After a decision the editor may disclose manuscript titles and authors’ names of papers that have been accepted for publication.
An editor should respect the intellectual independence of authors.
Editorial responsibility and authority for any manuscript authored by an editor and submitted to the editor’s journal should be delegated to some other qualified person. Editorial consideration of the manuscript in any way or form by the author-editor would constitute a conflict of interest.
Unpublished information, or interpretations disclosed in a submitted manuscript should not be used in an editor’s own research except with the consent of the author.
When a manuscript is so closely related to the research of an editor as to create a conflict of interest, the editor should arrange for some other qualified person to take editorial responsibility for that manuscript.
If an editor is presented with convincing evidence that the main substance or conclusions of a report published in an editor’s journal are erroneous, the editor should facilitate publication of an appropriate report or note pointing out the error and, if possible, correcting it.
An author may request the editor not use certain reviewers in consideration of a manuscript.
An Editor should ideally send a PDF rather than Microsoft Word or other electronic file to reviewers and request that comments not be made to the electronic copy of the manuscript.
These are the general and ethical guidelines you need to adhere to achieve the quality output of a research paper.
Journals By Subject
Agriculture and Aquaculture
Biological Sciences & Developmental Biology
- Advances in Leukemia
- Brain And Spinal Cancer ISSN : 2576-182X
- Breast Cancer Survival
- Cancer Genetics And Biomarkers ISSN : 2572-3030
- Cervical Cancer ISSN : 2997-2108
- Colon And Rectal Cancer ISSN : 2471-7061
- Diseases ISSN : 2997-1977
- Hematology and Oncology Research ISSN : 2372-6601
- International Journal of Chemotherapy Research and Practice
- International Journal of Prostate Cancer
- Lung Cancer Epidemiology
- Neoplasms ISSN : 2639-1716
- Skin Cancer Epidemiology
- Thyroid Cancer ISSN : 2574-4496
- Alcohol
- Carbohydrates
- Developments in Mass Spectrometry
- International Journal of Amino Acids
- International Journal of Hydrocarbons
- International Journal of Lipids ISSN : 2835-513X
- New Developments in Chemistry ISSN : 2377-2549
- Oxygen Compounds
- Peptides
- Polymer Science Research
- Water ISSN : 2769-2264
Life Sciences
- Advanced Cytology
- Advanced Research in Botany
- Advances in Plant Biology ISSN : 2638-4469
- Antioxidant Activity ISSN : 2471-2140
- Body Fluids
- Bone Marrow Biology
- Breastfeeding Biology ISSN : 2644-0105
- Chromosomes
- Clinical Research In HIV AIDS And Prevention ISSN : 2324-7339
- Current Scientific Research ISSN : 2766-8681
- Current Viruses and Treatment Methodologies ISSN : 2691-8862
- DNA And RNA Research ISSN : 2575-7881
- Drug Resistant Pathogen Research
- Embryology
- Enzymes ISSN : 2690-4829
- Evolutionary Science ISSN : 2689-4602
- Evolving Stem Cell Research ISSN : 2574-4372
- Fungal Diversity ISSN : 2766-869X
- Genetic Engineering ISSN : 2694-1198
- Human and Animal Intestines
- Immunology and Geriatrics
- In-vitro In-vivo In-silico Journal
- International Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development ISSN : 2691-6622
- International Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
- International Journal of Cell
- International Journal of Cytokine
- International Journal of Entomology ISSN : 2768-5209
- International Journal of Heart Research
- International Marine Science Journal ISSN : 2643-0282
- International Ornithology
- International Physiology Journal ISSN : 2578-8590
- Mammal Research
- Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
- Pancreas
- Parasite Research ISSN : 2690-6759
- Plant Cell Development ISSN : 2832-5311
- Primates
- Skeletal Muscle ISSN : 2832-4048
- Spleen And Liver Research ISSN : 2578-2371
- Thrombosis and treatments
- Tissue Repair and Regeneration ISSN : 2640-6403
- Transgenics
- Wildlife ISSN : 2997-2248
- Zoological Research ISSN : 2694-2275
Medical Sciences
- Advanced Forensic Sciences ISSN : 2692-5915
- Advanced Rheumatology Science
- Advanced Therapeutic Science
- Aging Research And Healthcare ISSN : 2474-7785
- Air and Water Borne Diseases
- Alternative Medicine and Mind Body Practices
- Alzheimer's Research and Therapy ISSN : 2998-4211
- Arthritis Research and Therapy
- Blood Pressure
- Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology ISSN : 2689-5773
- Current Chronic Diseases
- Death
- Dentistry And Oral Implants ISSN : 2473-1005
- Dermatologic Research And Therapy ISSN : 2471-2175
- Digestive Disorders And Diagnosis ISSN : 2574-4526
- Endocrinology And Hormones
- Etiological Diagnosis
- Family Medicine ISSN : 2640-690X
- Fetal Surgery ISSN : 2997-2086
- Food Science and Hygiene ISSN : 2835-2165
- Hereditary Diseases
- Human Health Research ISSN : 2576-9383
- Hypertension and Cardiology ISSN : 2329-9487
- Immunization ISSN : 2577-137X
- Implementation science
- Intensive Care and Emergency Services
- International Epilepsy Journal
- International Journal of Allergy
- International Journal of Anesthesia
- International Journal of Antibiotic Research
- International Journal of Blood Transfusion
- International Journal of Clinical Microbiology ISSN : 2690-4721
- International Journal of Complementary Medicine
- International Journal of Eating and Weight Disorders
- International Journal of General Practice ISSN : 2692-5257
- International Journal of Glaucoma
- International Journal of Global Health ISSN : 2693-1176
- International Journal of Health Statistics ISSN : 2997-1969
- International Journal of Human Anatomy ISSN : 2577-2279
- International Journal of Infection Prevention ISSN : 2690-4837
- International Journal of Inflammation Research
- International Journal of Medical Practitioners
- International Journal of Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
- International Journal of Negative Results ISSN : 2641-9181
- International Journal of Neonatology ISSN : 2998-4785
- International Journal of Neuroimaging
- International Journal of Neuroinformatics
- International Journal of Nutrition ISSN : 2379-7835
- International Journal of Pain Management ISSN : 2688-5328
- International Journal of Personalized Medicine
- International Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases ISSN : 2994-6743
- International Journal of Steroids
- International Journal of Surgical Techniques
- International Journal of Thorax
- International Journal of Translational Research
- International Journal of Vasculitis
- Medical and Psychological Trauma ISSN : 2766-6204
- Medical and Surgical Urology
- Medical Informatics and Decision Making ISSN : 2641-5526
- Memory
- Migraine Management
- Nephrology Advances ISSN : 2574-4488
- Nervous System and Physiological Phenomena
- Neurological Research And Therapy ISSN : 2470-5020
- Obesity Management ISSN : 2574-450X
- Ophthalmic Science ISSN : 2470-0436
- Organ Transplantation ISSN : 2576-9359
- Otolaryngology Advances ISSN : 2379-8572
- Palliative Care And Hospice
- Patient Care and Services
- Pediatric Health And Nutrition ISSN : 2691-5014
- Preventive Medicine And Care ISSN : 2474-3585
- Radiation and Nuclear Medicine ISSN : 2766-8630
- Respiratory Diseases ISSN : 2642-9241
- Sinusitis
- Spine and Neuroscience ISSN : 2694-1201
- Sports and Exercise Medicine ISSN : 2694-2283
- Surgery Proceedings
- Tropical Diseases and Medicine
- Ulcers
- Veterinary Healthcare ISSN : 2575-1212
- Women's Reproductive Health ISSN : 2381-862X
Pharmaceutical sciences
- Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation
- ADHD And Care ISSN : 3066-8042
- Behavior Therapy And Mental Health ISSN : 2474-9273
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ISSN : 2643-6655
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Depression And Therapy ISSN : 2476-1710
- Human Psychology ISSN : 2644-1101
- International Journal of Ethology
- International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research ISSN : 2574-612X
- Psychological Disorders
- Psychophysiology Practice and Research
- Schizophrenia Disorders And Therapy
- Sleep And Sleep Disorder Research ISSN : 2574-4518
- Verbal Behavior
- Woman's Mental Health