Journal of Public Health International

Journal of Public Health International

Journal of Public Health International

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

Submit Manuscript

Call For Papers

The Journal of Public Health International is inviting submissions for its upcoming issues. We welcome original research articles, review papers, case studies, and short communications that address a wide range of topics in the field of public health.

The journal aims to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed research that contributes to the advancement of public health knowledge and practice. We encourage submissions that explore innovative approaches to public health challenges, examine the impact of public health policies and interventions, and investigate the social, environmental, and behavioral determinants of health.


ISSN: 2641-4538

DOI: 10.14302/issn.2641-4538

Review: 09 days from the submission time.

Acceptance rate: 41%

Submission to a final decision: 12 days

Acceptance to publication: 3 days

Indexing: Our published articles are featured in various abstracting and indexing databases, as well as other services that facilitate their discovery and accessibility.


Article Processing Charges: JPHI is an independent journal that does not receive any financial support from institutions or governments. Therefore, the journal's operations are sustained by the processing fees paid by authors.


Types of Manuscript submissions: The author can choose any of the following submission types.





Submit Manuscript via Manuscriptzone:

We kindly request that you follow the instructions provided by the online editing manager (Manuscript Zone) when submitting your work. Alternatively, you can email the Editorial Office at with your manuscript attached. Once you have submitted your paper, you will receive an email with a manuscript acknowledgment number within 72 hours.


Submit Manuscript via Submission form:

Our team at scientific journals publishing house is excited to announce that JPHI has recently upgraded its manuscript submission process. This new system allows authors to submit their work from any device, including desktops, laptops, phones, tablets, and other electronic devices, making it easier than ever before.


Submit Manuscript via Email:

Send your article as an email attachment to the Editorial Office.


Revelation: We strongly believe that OpenAccess is a powerful tool for connecting scientists and the public. By making scientific findings accessible to everyone, we can increase the impact of research and foster greater discussion and collaboration.


Various journals: OAP want to remind you that we have a wide range of journals covering various subjects. If your research scope doesn't match the journal mentioned, please don't hesitate to acknowledge us. We are here to help you find the right journal for your research through our journals.


Contact: Editorial inquiries should be directed to email.


Thank you for joining us in advance!


Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences