International Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development

International Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development

International Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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International Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that aims to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, and industry professionals to disseminate their research findings and advancements in the field of aquaculture. IJAR is committed to ensuring the visibility and accessibility of the research published in our journal to a global audience of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of aquaculture. Our indexing in reputable databases and services reflects our dedication to maintaining high standards of scientific rigor and quality in the articles we publish.

  • International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): Registered with ISSN for global academic and research recognition.
  • ResearchBib: A comprehensive bibliographic database that increases the accessibility of the research articles.
  • Open Access (mg): Our journal is indexed in, a leading academic search engine dedicated to Open Access research. This inclusion ensures that our publications are widely accessible to researchers, academics, and professionals across the globe.
  • Cosmos Impact Factor: Recognizing the quality of research, the Cosmos Impact Factor reflects the journal’s influence in the academic community.
  • CiteFactor Recognition: Featured in CiteFactor, amplifying the article’s credibility and presence in global scholarly platforms.

Articles are indexed in Renowned Repositories and Social Networking Platforms 

  • Exaly
  • Google Sholar
  • Open Alex
  • Research Gate
  • Semantic Scholar

1. Effects of the Level and Frequency of Fertilization with hen Droppings on Zooplanktonic Density and Growth Performance of Common Carp Post-Larvae (CyprinusCarpio)
2. Survival Rate and Growth Performances on Pre-Grossing of the African Cyprinidae LabeobarbusBatesii (Boulenger, 1903) According to the Level of Dietary Protein
3. Effect of Replacement of Fishmeal With Lima Bean Meal on the Zootechnical Performances of African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) in the Batié Sub-Division, West Region of Cameroun
4. Study of obstacles of fish culture in Khartoum State (Omdurman, Khartoum and Khartoum north, case study)
5. Growth Performance of Heteroclarias Juveniles Fed Graded Levels of Autoclaved Castor Seed (Ricinus communis L.) Cake Based Diets
6. Size structure, weight-length relationship and condition factor K of the endogenous Cameroon giant frog Conraua goliath (Boulenger, 1906) in its natural environment
7. Study of Organic Pollutants in the Muscles of fish Collected from El-Mahmodia Stream at El-Beheira Governorate, Egypt

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Life Sciences
Medical Sciences