Journal of Agronomy Research


Journal of Agronomy Research is a leading, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing the field of agronomy through the publication of high-quality research on crop production, soil management, sustainable farming practices, and agricultural innovations. To ensure maximum visibility and accessibility, articles published in the journal are indexed in prestigious, globally recognized databases. This extensive indexing significantly increases the reach and impact of our research, connecting scholars, practitioners, and policymakers worldwide and promoting the advancement of sustainable agricultural practices.

  • ISSN: The journal is indexed with a unique identifier, ensuring global recognition in serial publications.
  • ResearchBible: The journal is indexed in a curated repository for academic research and visibility.
  • IP Indexing: The journal is indexed for multidisciplinary citation and global visibility.
  • Electronic Journals Library: The journal is indexed for inclusion in a comprehensive academic collection for enhanced discoverability.
  • Cosmos Impact Factor: The journal is indexed to evaluate originality, citation quality, and international impact.
  • CiteFactor: The journal is indexed in a directory of international research journals for enhanced accessibility and visibility.

Article Access through Premier Repositories and Social Networking Platforms

  • Research Gate

1. Effectiveness of Endoparsitoid Wasp AenasiusArizonensis (Girault) as a Successful Bio-Control of Cotton Mealy Bug, PhenacoccusSolenopsis Tinsley, in Khartoum State, Sudan.
2. Rice Yield Advances Under Precision Agriculture: a Farm Lesson
3. The Changing Scenario of Agriculture
4. Scientific and Technological Interventions for Attaining Precision in Plant Genetics and Breeding


Article Visibility through Leading Academic Search Engine

  • Google Scholar
  • Semantic Scholar

1. Response of Some Sunflower (Helianthus annuusL) Hybrid Cultivars as Influenced by Argel (Solenostemmaargel, Del. Hayne) and Nitrogen Under Irrigation in Sudan
2. Response of Sorghum Varieties to Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer Strategies in Sudan Savanna of Nigeria: Productivity, Nitrogen, and Water Use Efficiencies
3. Evaluating St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum Secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze) Cultivars to Reduced Light Environments


Article Reach through Prestigious University Libraries

  • University of Turin

1. Vineyard Clusters Monitored by Means of Litterbag-NIRS and Foliar-NIRS Spectroscopic Methods


Article Accessibility through Major Indexing Platforms

  • Research Bible
  • Amanote Research

1. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Plant Spacing on Vegetative Growth of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris)
2. Ecological Significance of Residues Retention for Sustainability of Agriculture in the Semi-arid Tropics
3. Rice Yield Advances Under Precision Agriculture: a Farm Lesson
4. Assessment of Ocimum basilicum as Potentially Fruit Flies Attractant

Article Exposure through Renowned Databases

  • Open Access Repository
  • Conicet

1. NIRS Footprint of Bio-Fertilizers from Hay Litter-Bags
2. Geomatic Tools for Water Management in a Community Irrigation System, Cruz del Eje, Córdoba.

Indexed in some other platforms:

  • Colab
  • Scite
  • Zenodo
  • R Discovery by Editage

1. Effect of Hours of Use and Age in Years in Estimating Repair and Maintenance Costs for Two Sizes of Agricultural Tractors in Northern Sudan
2. Spectroscopic and Foliar pH Model for Yield Prediction in a Symbiotic Corn Production
3. Resource Management Domains of Kharif and Rabi Season Fallows in Central Plateau Region of India: A Strategy for Accelerated Agricultural Development
4. NIRS Footprint of Bio-Fertilizers from Hay Litter-Bags


Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences