Heard of Social Psychology Department, Psychology Faculty, Saint Petersburg State University, Psychology Division, Social Psychology Department
Gurieva, Svetlana
Saint Petersburg State University, Psychology Department Saint Petersburg, Russia
Research Interests:
Cross-cultural management, Cross-cultural communications, Cross- cultural psychology, Ethnic relationships and ethnic conflicts.
- Ph.D., Social Psychology, St.-Petersburg State University, 2010.
- Dissertation: Psychology of the interethnic relations (Diploma ДДН № 016334);
- In 1997 completed post-graduate studies at St-Petersburg State University with the degree of Candidate of psychology. Was granted the academic status of Assistant professor (Decision by the Education Ministry of the Russian Federation on the 20th February 2002 № 147-д (ДЦ № 015103);
- 2001 - till present - Ph. D., Professor at the Department of social psychology, St.-Petersburg State University.
- 1999 – 2001 Assistant professor at the Department of engineering psychology at St.-Petersburg Technical University.
- Job crafting as a factor improving subjective well-being and success
- Psychological Diagnostics of Organizational Social Capital
- Gender Salience in Women’s Career-Related Networking: Interviews with Russian Women