Chang LI
State Key Lab of Food Science and Technology,
Nanchang University,
235 Nanjing East Road,
Nanchang, 330047,
Jiangxi Province,
Research Interests:
- Chang Li's research focuses on separating, purifying bioactive compounds from edible biologic medicines resources, especially Chinese herbal medicine, and studying their structures and bioactivities in vitro or in vivo.
- Another theme of his research is thermal processing derived contaminants in food, their formation mechanism and mitigation approaches.
- Dr. Chang Li received his B.S. from Henan Agricultural University in 2003.
- He entered into Nanchang University for his Master degree in 2003 and then received his M.S. in 2006.
- After graduation, he chose to stay for working with his supervisor in Nanchang University.
- In 2010, he started his Ph.D student career and he received his Ph.D degree from Nanchang University in 2015.
- From August 2014 to August 2015, as a visiting scholar, he visited Food Science department, Purdue University, USA.
- Now he is an associate professor in Nanchang University.