@article{Thavrin202330 title = "Research Gaps In Contaminants Of Emerging Concern (CECs): Routes To The Standardization Of Chemical Test Methods By GC/LC-Mass Spectrometry: A Review", journal = "Journal of New Developments in Chemistry", volume = "4", number = "1", pages = "30 - 79", year = "2023", note = "", issn = "2377-2549", doi = "https://doi.org/10.14302/issn.2377-2549.jndc-23-4615", url = "https://oapgroup.orgjndc/article/1975", author = "Manickum Thavrin", keywords = "Contaminants of Emerging Concern", keywords = "research gaps", keywords = "definition", keywords = "toxicity", keywords = "chemical test methods", keywords = "standardization", keywords = "chromatography-mass spectrometry" }